Setting up Samba on AIX

1. Install rpm packages for samba from IBM freesoftware site:


2. Run smbpasswd as root to set initial uesr password same as real user password:

# smbpasswd -a USERNAME
3. As root, run swat

4. Connect to server through browser on port 901 and configure:


5. To connect from Windows:

net use n: \\hostname\samba-share /USER:username ( will prompt for password

net use n: \\hostname\samba-share /USER:name $PASSWORD /persistent:yes

6. To test the UNC (Universal Naming Convention) connection:

NET USE \\hostname\samba-share  extract /USER:extract



 Note: to disconnect from windows: net use n: /del

Install Samba on AIX

1. Install rpm packages for samba from IBM freesoftware site:


2. Run smbpasswd as root to set initial uesr password same as real user password:

# smbpasswd -a jrigler

3. As root, run swat

4. Connect to server through browser on port 901 and configure.

5. To connect from Windows:

net use n: \\servername\share /USER:username

6. To test the UNC (Universal Naming Convention) connection:

NET USE \\servername\share password /USER:username

dir \\servername\share\subdir\subdir

Note: to disconnect from windows: net use n: /del

New and improved Samba at Bull

Bull Freeware

Samba was never a seamless integration with Windows, you could get the samba drive mounted up and it would work, but it never looked quite the same as other windows drives when users where searching and clicking on their little folders. After a lawsuit, Windows finally released enough information to allow Samba to be better and the bull site has a compiled version.