Create a new LPP source for NIM

The easiest way to create a new resource for NIM is to use the smit menu system to get to the ‘Define a Resource Screen’ and fill it out. First type ‘smitty nim’ and then use up,down, and enter to
traverse the menu screens:

smitty nim
  Perform NIM Administration Tasks
    Manage Resources
       Define a Resource

Next select the resource type, use the down arrow to see more options, or type ‘/’ followed by lpp_source to go directly to what you want:

                                Manage Resources

                              Resource Type                           

 Move cursor to desired item and press Enter. Use arrow keys
   shared_home     = /home directory shared by clients
   tmp             = parent directory for client /tmp directories
   exclude_files   = files to be excluded when creating a mksysb
   lpp_source      = source device for optional product images  

You will now see a screen with fields that you can fill out using the arrow keys to move between choices. Hit enter when you are done:


Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.

                                          [Entry Fields]
* Resource Name                 [5300-11-lpp]
* Resource Type                 lpp_source
* Server of Resource            [master]
* Location of Resource          [/export/lpp_source/5300-11-lpp]
  Architecture of Resource      []
  Source of Install Images      [cd0]
  Names of Option Packages      []
  Show Progress                 [yes]
  Comments                      []

After you hit enter you will see:

                       COMMAND STATUS

Command: running       stdout: yes           stderr: no

Before command completion, additional instructions may appear below.

Preparing to copy install images (this will take several minutes)...

After a few seconds, you will see a scroll of images as they are copied from the DVD:


The ones names with ‘I’ at the end are base install images and the ones named with ‘U’ are updates which can not be installed unless the base is already installed. Finally, it will finish:


Now checking for missing install images...

All required install images have been found. This lpp_source is now ready.


If all went well, it will say, ‘OK’ at the top of the screen where it once said ‘Running’. Type F10 (or probably Esc-0) to exit.

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