Why empty tapes show ‘Pending’ in your storage pool

The easiest way to add tapes to your storage pool in TSM is to just set your scratch count high enough so that it grabs however many new scratch you want. When you do this, the tapes go back into the scratch pool when they are empty. Another way to do this is to use the DEFINE VOLUME command to specifically add a volume to a storage pool. When you do this, the tapes don’t appear any different when they are in use, but when the tapes are empty, they will show a ‘Pending’ status. To change this, just use DELETE VOLUME to remove them and up your scratch count (MAXSCRATCH) to bring them back from scratch again if you need them. Often, when people start out with TSM, they add volumes explicitly and then quickly get tired of it and realize about pulling tapes from the scratch pool so they end up with a storage pool which is part one way and part another way.

Electronic Data Interchange, ASC X12, and Sterling Commerce

Sterling Commerce implements the industry standard Electronic Data Interchange EDI (ASC X12) ASC X12 This is apparently the defacto B2B solution for hardened industries. In the future, it seems apparent that other technologies will need to be explored in parallel. Perhaps this is a testament to XML’s inability to take over the world as some imagined. Next we might learn that Data Warehouses are silly and there is no tooth fairy. Crap!