Errpt message hack / Broadcom Error

Many months ago I began getting Duplicate Arp Errors in my error report.  The network guys tried to track it down for months (or for months they periodically tried to track it down).  We finally figured out that it was a bug with Broadcom Windows Teaming.  It is explained in this website. ( SurfControl Approved CopyIn the meantime, I wrote this action that immediately deletes the message from the error report in AIX when it shows up, because I was getting one each minute:

               en_name = "BogusARP"      
               en_persistenceflg = 1      
               en_label = "AIXIF_ARP_DUP_ADDR"      
               en_class = "S"      
               en_type = "PERM"      
               en_method = "/usr/bin/errclear -l $1 0"

Instead of doing the above hack, you can also simply turn error reporting off for this message:

errupdate =FE2DEE00: Log=False Report=False

To check what you have turned off:

errpt -t -F Report=0 errpt -t -F Log=0